Maintain your budget with these practical money-saving tactics. Life as a college student is filled with new experiences, making friends, and intensive study. With so much happening at once, financial mishaps are common but avoidable. Our money-saving guide for students will ensure your budget remains intact.
Budgeting Basics for Students
Start simple with your budget. An uncomplicated budget is the best tool for financial survival as a student. Calculate your weekly disposable income by deducting expenses from income and dividing by the number of weeks in the term. For extra help, consider a budgeting app and loading a fixed amount onto a prepaid card regularly to keep spending under control. Avoid the pitfalls of credit cards due to their high interest rates and look for a student bank account with a generous 0% overdraft option.
Slash Your Bills
Opt for pay-as-you-go mobile plans to prevent unexpected end-of-month charges and reevaluate any subscriptions you rarely useโcancel any that are not essential. Managing your regular outgoings efficiently can lead to significant savings over time.
Unlock Student Discounts
Leverage your student ID for discounts wherever possible. From travel costs to software, being a student comes with financial perks. For example, students can often access Microsoft's Office 365 at no charge, and substantial discounts on tech products are widely available.
Insurance and Risk Management
While having insurance is important, be shrewd about the coverage you require. Check if you're already covered under your parents' policy. If you do need additional insurance, consider the term 'excess' and set a realistic value on your belongings to avoid paying hefty premiums. Comparative shopping can help you find optimal insurance deals that may not necessarily be student-specific.