Eliminate high-interest rates from your life and regain financial sovereignty. Managing your credit card debts may be challenging, particularly with soaring interest fees. A balance transfer credit card could be your lifesaverโtransferring debts from a high-interest card to one with zero APR.
Balance transfer cards are just one tool for financial empowerment. Further down, we delve into alternative budgeting strategies and the significance of financial control. If you're specifically interested in balance transfer cards, continue reading for insights on their functioning, costs, and optimal choices for your needs.
Mastering Credit Card Expenditures
Staying atop your credit card spending is paramount. Credit cards enable convenient online purchases but can also lead to excessive spending. To stave off a growing pile of debt, adopting concrete spending habits is essential. Consider using a prepaid credit card to avoid debt while enjoying the benefits of a regular card.
If that piques your interest, consider a prepaid credit card option like Transcash, available on our platform in mere seconds, to immediately begin taking charge of your finances.
Explore our collection of prepaid credit cards.
Digging Deeper into Balance Transfer Credit Cards
But what about managing existing debt? Here's where a balance transfer credit card shines. Simply put, it allows you to move credit card charges from one account to another, potentially reducing your expenditures by switching to a card with null or minimal interest. For instance, Bank of Ireland's Eir credit card presents an initial zero-interest duration for 7 months, with a subsequent leap to 26.6% APR.
Consider the following when pondering a balance transfer:
- The total debt on your current card
- Your repayment timeline
- The interest rate of your existing card
- Applicable balance transfer fees
Implementing a balance transfer could not only help in debt reduction but also simplify your bills by consolidating several payments, or even assist a family member in need. Several issuers also allow you to include loans in the balance transfer, streamlining your debts even further.
The Mechanics of a Balance Transfer
The process varies among various cards, but these are the typical steps:
- Apply for a card with an introductory 0% interest rate and minimal balance transfer fees.
- Commence the balance transfer via online banking, phone, or sometimes through checks or mail.
- Once authorized, your new provider pays off the old account, and the debt, along with any transfer fee, is added to your new account.
- Pay down the balance on your new account, maximizing the 0% interest window to save on interest expenses.
Regarding fees, many issuers peg balance transfer fees at about 3%-5% of the transferred sum. Ideally, a balance transfer card should offer no such costs, paired with no annual fee and an extended zero-interest period. Alas, such 'triple-zero' cards are rare.
Ireland's Top Balance Transfer Credit Cards for 2021
Here are three excellent balance transfer credit card options for Ireland in 2021:
- Ulster Bank Balance Transfer Credit Card: Offers 0% interest for the first 18 months, no balance transfer costs, and no annual fee.
- An Post Money Classic: Provides a 12-month 0% interest rate with no balance transfer charges.
- Bank of Ireland Classic: Grants a 7-month 0% interest term with no balance fees, plus additional perks such as contactless payments and emergency cash services.
For more details on the best balance transfer credit cards in Ireland, click here.